Working Together: The simple guide to taking Pombiliti® and Opfolda®
Request this resource to better understand your treatment. The guide covers why you’ve been prescribed Pombiliti® and Opfolda®, how the treatment works and how you should take the medication. It also includes answers to frequently asked questions.

Fasting Planner: Support your routine
Request this tool to help work out when you must begin fasting, take your Opfolda® capsules and when to stop fasting.

Video: Wayne’s Pompe Story
Watch this video to hear about Wayne’s experiences with Pompe disease and receiving treatment with Pombiliti® and Opfolda®.
Click or tap on the image to play, and use the controls to watch fullscreen.

Video: How Pombiliti® and Opfolda® work
Watch this animation to learn how Pombiliti® and Opfolda® work.
Click or tap on the image to play, and use the controls to watch fullscreen.

The AGSD (Association for Glycogen Storage Disease) is the national support group for those affected by Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD) and their families. They help by putting people in contact, providing information and support, publishing a magazine and holding conferences, workshops, courses and family events.

Pompe Support Network
The Pompe Support Network is a network of individuals, families, scientists, and healthcare professionals who aim to improve the lives of all people living and working with Pompe disease. The network is run by members of the Pompe community, for the benefit of the Pompe community.